Thank you CansaFis. A worthy prompt to inquire about whether I own the ring or the ring owns me.

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...or whether we need to find new rings :)...

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schshit schthis schis schthe schfunniest schthing schI've schread schall schday sch!

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Yesterday I was in a book shop. I have a nasty habit of never leaving a book store without a book. I asked the girl with purple and blue hair behind the counter that looked like a fairy-elf if she has read anything good lately. Before she answered my question, she said, "I like your pink hair". I wonder if she also thought I looked like a fairy-elf. She pointed me towards her recommendation shelf. It was all fantasy. I pretended to look interested for a little bit, knowing in my gut that fantasy really isn't my jam. I picked something safe, a book of creative non-fiction essays, instead of the gold draped book about dragon riders she said was her favorite.

This post made me realize how many fantastical elements I build into my life - how wrong I am for thinking that fantasy isn't my jam. I characterize most people in my life on the spectrum of fairies and trolls. There are the twinkly magic fairies that piss sparkles and the demonic saber-toothed fairies. There are the chubby trolls with mushroom ears and alfalfa sprout hair and the corrupted, wealth seeking trolls that hide gold in their crusty green fat rolls.

Anyways, I think I'll go back and buy the dragon rider book and let it fire-breathe more fantasy into my life.

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...your life can only improve if you add dragons to it...and chubby trolls...godspeed on your journey and please report back wehn you make it to the fabled halls of Glossoriatorinnia...on that note why do so many fantasy lands end in innia...there need to be more outtias...

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To the land of Glossoriatorouttia!!!!

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Oct 6, 2023
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...there is apparently a new Nicolas Cage movie where he plays a guy who shows up in everyone's dreams all at once...sounds exhausting...Mitchell, Inception was exhausting enough, if we gave it a reverse Tenet sequel I'm not sure my brain would ever work again...

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